Saturday, March 30, 2013

Chapter 4.

This chapter is dedicated to @typicalq8ilife_ , @twistintimex , @ketakatmfarzena and @TheLifeBlog_
So tell me how you like the story so far in the comments! And I hope you enjoy this.

Afaf's P.O.V:
As they carried me out of the wheelchair and into the car I told them that I could handle it, but they didn't let me go, well Duaij did, Abdullah didn't. Once Duaij left me with Abdullah he went to help his mom  and cousin.

Abdullah: a7bch.
Afaf: We can't do this again.

I said that phrase as tears float down my eyes, we were the only two inside the car waiting for 3mty ou dana ou duaij decide to come, but they took longer than I expected.

Abdullah: I can't stand seeing you NOT in my arms, magthar feehmay eny a7bch.
Afaf: Wtha gltlk.. Ena enta ma'9y ou bas, I stopped loving you!!
Abdullah: BASCH CH'9B.

He looked away, it was obvious he was crying.

Afaf: Abdullah ...
Abdullah: basich, mo ana ma'9ch?
Afaf: enta tadre eny a7bk
Abdullah: 3yal laish?

He was so mad he was half screaming.

Abdullah: Laish hadeetny?

You didn't know why, well let me tell you. Abdullah loves a girl,  and that was when I loved him he fooled me with those sparkling beautiful eyes.

Afaf: La2ny 7beetk, wnta 7beet'ha.

And after that, he kissed my forehead, I blushed, we saw them coming out of the hospital he squeezed my hand and then let go as Duaij walked in.

Duaij: Danoooly.
Dana: W ana wain ag3ad?!
Duaij: Shrayk 3baid? enga3dhum eb 7thna?
Abdullah: chub.

Duaij was a immature 21 year old, bas fun anyways we all loved him.

Duaij: Waiiiiiiiiii3 theeej t3alaw eb sayarty a7san, inzain yuma? 3ady?
3mety Mizna: Aha bas deerbalick 3la Afaf tawha 6al3a min el hospital.

Ou klna mstanseen, every cousin of mine knew about me and Abdullah, everyone did, except for the grown ups.

Dana: Haaa lovebirds?
Afaf: Chuub..
Abdullah: Chub entaw.

Duaij puts 88.8 ou guess what song comes up?

Duaij: W ana w ana w ana gar3a lay?
Afaf: Sa5eeefaaaa..

Abdullah does a cute dance that makes Afaf want to sing the song.

Abdullah: Sam3eeena hal 9ot el7lo
Afaf: No.
Dana: baskum law3taw chabdy, disgusting... twiliight madre titanic madre 6eezy.
Duaij: Eee walla ma3aha 7g nabee nstanas manabee

Abdullah mouths the words to the songs, oh and did I mention? His dimples are soooooo deep that even when he talks it shows, his tan skin is so shimmery its like the sun kissed him xD everyone loved his dark brown, almond shaped eyes, they were so innocent.

I just rested my head on his chest and sighed. Yes, Duaij and Dana sat jdam ou a7na wara because a7na az'3ar mnhum.

When we arrived, we took the long way, we were the last car to arrive and even my sisters and my mom came before us, ombay 3amy faisal ou bnata ou his sons!!

Faisal: 6ooo6oo zgoo shooshoo.

That's what he said 3shan eee narfz banat, Fatma, Zainab and Shahad.
Ou his sons Khaled, Mishael ou Ali.

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