Monday, July 15, 2013

Chapter 19

Halla ;$ chnkum rdeitaw? heh x

Twitter: @BlueVelvetBlog
instagram: @BlueVelvetBlog_

First of all yay to the first comment I ever had!!! Inshallah you keep on commenting. I love you anonymous. Tell me who you are plzz!
Dedicated to: @KwtiBlogger_ and the anonymous who commented on the last post. 


Noura: feeny sara6an.

Mishael cried. His dad looked at him, then looked at me. He could see love and Mishael's mother died from cancer 5 years ago and now he is gonna lose me.

Mama: wee wee wee! N3m? Shlon? Laish? 

She started screaming and crying. I cried and then all of a sudden I felt stiff arms hugging me, Misheal. He actually hugged me.

Mishael: Abeech. bas lail7eena ma5l9na thanawya. Walla el3theem mara7 etmouteen mngabl mantzwaj ou etybeen yahal. A7lflch.

He whispered to my ears.

Mishael: walla may9eer chthy! walla! omy ra7at el7een 7beebty betrou7.

3meFaisal: Misheal, t7bha?

3me Faisal is free and kind and my mom maybe, my dad no.

Mishael: ou 3shg'ha b3d!

He screamed crying. 

Mishael: laish laish laish.

He started slapping himself.

Noura: Mob eedy, mob eedy.

I looked at everyone crying but the person who just stared was Afaf. Kan fee shay tabee etgoula.

With Feehaid and Dareen:

Feehaid called Dareen. After the past few days Dareen stopped acting ou galat ena et7ba ou hatha el 9j et7ba.

Feehaid: ya fahmneeee!! ya gareeeneee m 3younyyyy!
Dareen: Feehaid. Bas tra a5jal ;$
Feehaid: fdait ely y5jlounnn! bas yalla sar3eeha zhgt mn el na6ra!!
Dareen: haw lail7eena maswenay shay 7g el mlcha, Foof shfeek? Foofy.
Feehaid: 3youna ou 5ashma ou 7lja ou kl shay fee.
Dareen: Noura feeha el sara6an.
Feehaid: shno?! tst3b6ain 9a7?
Dareen: la2 ma ast3b6. jad. mno ychthb eb hal mawthoo3?
Feehaid: yaylkum.

and he ended the call.

Afaf's P.O.V:

a7s ena ana ou Abdullah mashallah tf tf el wa7eedeen ely zaina 7yatna ou Zainab ou Bader akeed bas y3nee laish chthy elyoum zft? 

Afaf: Abdullah.
Abdullah: a7bch wla abee a59rch.
Afaf: waii3 abdullah shyab el 6ary?!
Abdullah: Ghada ou Yousef.. Mishael ou Noura.. ya5ee laish chthy el 7yat?! laish.
Afaf: allah kareem ou mayga9r. en6r.
Abdullah: Afaf rakzay m3ay. Ghada ou Yousef mara7 ytzwjoun. Obouch!! Noura feeha el sara6an. Ay an6r?! A5r shay a7ad bemout mathalan?
Afaf: Abdullah latgoul chthy!

5 months later, 

Zainab 7amel 9arlha arb3 tash'hr. betyb two girls. Taw2m! 

Feehaid ou Dareen mlchaw shahr ely 6aaf.

Noura sha3rha kla 6a7.

Mishael nawy y56bha bas y5al9 thanaweeya ou ehya et9eer 16.

Taiba yaleha 56eeb, Dhari ou ahla. Y3ne ma56ouba.

Ghada ou Yousef, after two years falaw ou 9arlha 5 tash'hr matklm obouha.

Duaij lgola ebnaya '3air Dana bas may7bha.

Mishary et5rj mn el thanaweeya. Ou g3d ydawrounla bnaya, bas eb bala Afrah.

Ou Abdullah ou Afaf? things weren't going that well...

Ou Manayer, Fatma, Shahad, Dana? Ma9ar shay. No love lost. no love found.


Afaf's P.O.V:

Afaf: Abdullah agoulk shfeek? Laish etshk eny akalm wa7d '3eirk - tra 9j balsha hathy! ouf!
Abdullah: Agoulch 36eeny telephonich.
Afaf: ya5ee mako the8a after how many years? enta tst3b6 bntzwaj ou etgoul a5ounk?
Abdullah: 3a6eeeeeeeny yaaaa!

Yara el telephone mn eedy.

Abdullah: ms7tee ha? ms7tee?
Afaf: enta yeneit wla shfeek?! hatha shfee?! a7bk ou ma7bb '3eirk.
Abdullah: entay eb klmat a7bk etg9een 3lay. ya5ee a7bch ou ath8 feech kla mn el shay6an!
Afaf: fdeit ely yth8feny walla.

Sorry its short ;$ but leave your comments below plz :*

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